As the warm weather approaches and thoughts turn to lazy days by the pool, it’s essential to ensure the safety and security of your pool area.

Installing a high-quality pool fence is not only a legal requirement but also a crucial step in protecting your loved ones.

By getting ahead of the summer rush and organising your pool fence during the cooler months, you can avoid the hassle and delays that come with the busy season.

Preparing for summer with high quality pool fences!

Arranging your pool fence during winter is a smart decision for several reasons. First, it allows you ample time to research and find reputable tradespeople who specialise in pool fencing installation. During the summer, these professionals are in high demand, and their schedules fill up quickly. By getting in early, you can secure their services before they become fully booked.

Secondly, by installing your pool fence in winter, you can have peace of mind knowing that your pool area will be ready for use when summer arrives. You won’t have to worry about construction delays or missing out on precious pool time while waiting for the fence to be installed.

Australian Standard for Pool Safety

When it comes to pool safety, adherence to industry standards is paramount. In Australia, all pool fencing must be installed in accordance with the Swimming Pool Safety AS1926.1 code. This code outlines the guidelines and requirements for pool fence design and construction, ensuring that they provide adequate protection.Contemporary Stainless Solutions understands the importance of compliance and offers high-quality pool fences that meet the AS1926.1 code. Our team of experts is well-versed in these regulations, ensuring that your pool fence not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your pool area but also provides the necessary safety measures to keep your family and guests protected.

To ensure maximum safety around your pool, it’s crucial to address potential electrical hazards. When the distance from the pool water to the spigot edge holding the glass pool panels is less than 1.2 metres, non-conductive spigots should be used. Alternatively, instead of using non-conductive spigots, customers can engage an electrician to earth each spigot before paving the area. To discuss these electrical safety measures and ensure compliance with regulations, we encourage you to contact our team directly. We are here to provide guidance, answer your questions, and help you make the best choices for your pool fence installation.

Taking the hassle out of Pool Fencing

At Contemporary Stainless Solutions, we strive to make the pool fence installation process as seamless as possible. We offer a user-friendly pool planner tool on our website (click here), allowing customers to easily visualise and customise their ideal pool fence. With just a few clicks, you can explore different designs and configurations, helping you make informed decisions about your pool area’s safety and aesthetics.

Don’t wait until the last minute to secure your pool area’s safety. Get ahead of the summer rush by arranging your high-quality pool fence with Contemporary Stainless Solutions today.

Visit our website and utilise our pool planner tool to design your dream pool fence, or contact us directly via our contact form or by calling us on (02) 4953 7255 to organise a free quote or discuss the appropriate safety measures to ensure your pool is ready to be enjoyed this summer!

Ceiling Frames - Contemorary Stainless Solutions
Ceiling Frames - Contemorary Stainless Solutions