Guillotine Cutting and Brake Press Folding

Cutting and Press Folding for a range of unique, custom projects.

Organise a FREE, no obligation quote from the Contemporary Stainless team today!

Guillotine cutting
Guillotine cutting

Contemporary Stainless can fold or cut pieces for any space.

With press and folding capacity of up to four metres, Contemporary Stainless Solutions can fold or cut custom flashings, angles and unique pieces for any residential or commercial space!

Our guillotine can cut sheet metal from 1mm to 6mm thick. The CSS team has the capacity to cut sheet up to four metres in length.

Additionally, our 140tonne Brake Press has a four-metre bed and is the perfect tool for folding materials for any project you’re working on!

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Guillotine cutting
Brake Press Folding
Brake Press Folding